Internal Accountability

Significant Committees of the Directorate

Name of Committee Role of Committee
ACTPS Strategic Board The ACTPS Strategic Board, chaired by the Head of Service and Director‑General, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, included all Directors-General, the Under Treasurer, the Chief Digital Officer and the Commissioner for Public Administration. The Deputy Director-General Policy and Cabinet attended as secretary.

The Board provided whole of government leadership and strategic direction to the ACTPS.
CMTEDD Executive Management Group The Executive Management Group met monthly to review corporate governance matters.

Its membership consisted of the Director-General CMTEDD; Under Treasurer; the Director-General Economic Development; the Executive Director Corporate, and the Chief Finance Officer.
Audit and Risk Committee (Further details are available in B.5 Internal Audit) The Audit and Risk Committee assisted the Director-General in fulfilling her oversight and governance responsibilities. The Committee's functions are governed by an Audit and Risk Committee Charter. Membership of the Committee included appointees from the directorate, an executive from another ACT Government agency (the Education and Training Directorate/Health Directorate) and an independent chair. Observers and a representative from the ACT Auditor-General's Office also regularly attended meetings.
Health and Safety Committee The Committee provided a way for management and workers to meet regularly and discuss workplace health, safety and wellbeing matters.

In accordance with Division 5.4 Section 77 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the functions of the HSC were:
  • to facilitate cooperation between the person conducting a business or undertaking and workers in instigating, developing and carrying out measures designed to ensure the workers' health and safety at work;
  • to assist in developing standards, rules and procedures relating to health and safety that are to be followed or complied with at the workplace; and
  • any other functions prescribed by regulation or agreed between the person conducting the business or undertaking and the Committee.
The Committee consisted of employee, union and management representatives. Corporate provided secretariat support.
Directorate Consultative Committee (DCC) The ACTPS Enterprise Agreements 2013-2017 provide for the establishment of a DCC. Key objectives of the DCC were to:
  • monitor the operation and implementation of the Agreements;
  • consider any proposed new or significant changes to directorate policy statements and guidelines that relate to the provisions of the Agreements;
  • exchange information about workplace issues affecting employees; and
  • consult on any existing performance management schemes, and on the development of any new performance management schemes, in the directorate.
The DCC consisted of employee, union and management representatives, with Corporate providing secretariat support.
Information Management and Information Communications Technology (IMICT) Committee IMICT Committee provided high-level strategic direction and governance to the management of ICT within the directorate. The Committee was responsible for:
  • endorsing the directorate’s Digital Strategy and its associated Action Plan;
  • monitoring progress with the directorate’s Digital Strategy; and
  • when required reviewing recommendations on proposed ICT strategies.
Membership consisted of the Director-General; Under Treasurer; the Director-General Economic Development; the Executive Director Corporate, and the Chief Finance Officer. The Committee invited other nominated officers or advisors to attend meetings relevant to agenda subject topics.

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