Territory Plan amendment proposed for London Circuit

Released 20/10/2016

A draft amendment to the Territory Plan to allow parts of a building, including balconies to extend into airspace over the footpath on part of London Circuit has been released for community comment, the Deputy Director-General of the Environment and Planning Directorate, Gary Rake, said today.

The extension is proposed as part of a mixed-use commercial/multi-unit residential development on the corner of London Circuit and Hobart Place in the City.They would start from the fourth storey.

“The building encroach into the Transport Zone (unleased Territory Land), which does not permit multi-unit housing. However, the Territory Plan allows for a technical amendment to change the boundary of a zone to be consistent with a development proposal,” Mr Rake said.

“The building encroachment is for two metres but, being above ground level, will not impact on pedestrians or existing street trees. Similar building extensions over the Hobart Place sidewalks are already allowed under the Territory Plan.

“From an urban planning perspective, more residential development into the city promotes urban renewal and the ACT Planning Strategy to increase density in the City, around town centres and along major transport routes.

“Balconies improve community safety by providing ‘passive surveillance’ of the street. People living in and using the buildings also bring more activity to the street as they go about their daily business.”

The draft technical amendment (TA2016-17) has been released concurrently with the development application.

“This does not imply automatic approval of the development application or the technical amendment. The development application process and the technical amendment process are determined independently of each other and each will be considered on its own merits,” Mr Rake said.

“However, the development application cannot be finalised until the technical amendment process is complete. The benefit of having a concurrent process is that the community can see the relationship between the proposals and make better informed comments.”

The draft technical amendment is on the EPD website and is open for comment until 7 December. The development application for the new building is on the EPD website and is open for comment until 5 December.

- Statement ends -

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